ŠTA GOVORI OSMEH BRAJANA, OSUMNJIČENOG ZA UBISTVO ANE VOLŠ! Stručnjak otkriva - ovo bi moglo da posluži kao DOKAZ!
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Osmeh Brajana Volša pred novinarskim kamerama, dok ga je policija sa lisicama pratila na sud, mogao bi da posluži kao dokaz „grandioznog osećaja sopstvene vrednosti“, smatra forenzički psihijatar.
Neobičan trenutak dogodio se 9. januara, dan nakon što je Volš uhapšen i optužen da je doveo u zabludu policijsku istragu o misterioznom nestanku njegove supruge Ane Volš iz njihovog doma u Кohasetu u Masačusetsu na Novu godinu.
Ana Volš Beograđanka koja je nestala nakon dočeka Nove godine kao da je slutila opasnost , tome u prilog ide citat koji je objavila na društvenim mrežama u kom se navodi da je junjakinja knjige bila osuđena na smrt
Dr Ian Lamoureuk, forenzički psihijatar koji je sproveo preko 150 procena sposobnosti i često svedoči kao veštak, rekao je za "Fok Nevs Digital" da postoji mnogo potencijalnih objašnjenja koja su „benigna“.
- Primeri uključuju pokušaje da izgledaju prijateljski i manje 'kriminalni', uverenje da su dokazi protiv njega slabi ili čak društvenu prinudu u kojoj imaju naviku da se smeju drugima - rekao je Lamore.
Prema njegovim rečima tužioci bi to mogli iskoristiti u svoju korist, imajući u vidu njegovu prijavljenu dijagnozu sociopatije, koja je otkrivena u sudskim dokumentima nakon što je osuđeni umetnički prevarant navodno uništio testament njegovog oca i opljačkao imanje.
- Ako država tvrdi da je on sociopata, verovatno će ukazati na ovo ponašanje kao na dokaz nedostatka empatije i kajanja koji se vidi u sociopatiji- rekao je Lamore za američke medije i dodao:
-To bi takođe moglo da se iskoristi kao dokaz grandioznog osećaja sopstvene vrednosti, jer bi mogli da tvrde da je uživao u publicitetu koji njegovo suđenje generiše - objasnio je stručnjak.
Tokom njegovog pojavljivanja pred sudom, tužilaštvo je detaljno opisalo 21 navodnu Gugl pretragu na iPad-u njegovog sina pre i nakon što je on navodno ubio svoju ženu, uključujući „Deset načina da se reši tela“ i „ Da li se može otužiti za ubistvo bez tela?"
Lamoreuk je rekao da su ove pretrage "moćni" posredni dokazi, na čemu se zasniva slučaj, jer istražitelji još uvek nisu pronašli Anino telo.
- Pretresi optuženog, ako je kriv, sugerišu da je loše organizovan. To je zbog njihovog tajminga. Ako pretresi prate ubistvo, oni sugerišu da je bilo ograničeno planiranje. On nije razmišljao o zločinu od početka do kraja - rekao je on i dodao:
- Te pretrage takođe pokazuju da on jasno razume nezakonitost ubistva. Jer oni jasno pokazuju nameran i fokusiran napor da se izbegne kriminalističko otkrivanje - objašnjava Lamork.
Kako je naveo gugl pretrage daju tužiocima "snažan argument" zašto nema tela, rekao je poznati forenzički psihijatar.
- Jednostavno rečeno, ove pretrage nisu nešto što prosečan građanin koji poštuje zakon radi iz dosade ili benigne radoznalosti. Кontekstualizujte ih sa vremenskom linijom događaja i to će izgledati još zlokobnije- kaže stručnjak.
Reč advokata
Postoji podela među stručnjacima o tome koliko je jak slučaj države protiv Brajana. Advokat za krivična dela iz Masačuseta i advokat visokog profila Iris Ejtan, koja je uspešno oslobodila svog klijenta Barija Morpheva odoptužbe za ubistvo, dovodi u pitanje snagu dokaza izvedenih na sudu.
- Ne kažem da je nevin i da nije odgovoran, ali kažem da ne donosite bilo kakve ishitrene presude. Kada ulete i optuže nekoga za ubistvo dve nedelje nakon datuma nečijeg nestanka, to je brzo bez tela - rekao je Ejtan za "Fok Nevs Digital" u prethodnom intervjuu.
U Brajanovo ime se izjasnilo da nije kriv po svim tačkama optužnice, a njegova advokatica Trejsi Majner je u svojoj jedinoj izjavi od početka suđenja rekla da namerava da "pobedi” ovaj slučaj na sudu, a ne u medijima.
- Lako je optužiti krivično delo, a još lakše reći da je neko to delo počinio. Mnogo je teže dokazati, što ćemo videti da li će tužilaštvo moći da uradi - reklao je Majner.
S druge strane uprkos navodnoj sociopatskoj dijagnozi, Lamoureuk ne vidi da je advokatica koristila odbranu od mentalnog zdravlja jer Google pretrage „sugerišu da je shvatio nezakonitost ubistva u vreme zločina“.
- Nijedno od njegovih ponašanja nakon navodnog prekršaja ne ukazuje na to da je bio u zabludi ili na bilo koji način nevezan za stvarnost- rekao je Lamoureuk i dodao da u ovom trenutku nisu predstavljeni nikakvi dokazi o istoriji mentalne bolesti.
- Ako se izjasni za ludilo, što je afirmativan prekršaj, moraće da pruži izveštaj o zločinu, koji bi morao da rezultira otkrivanjem tela ili njegovih ostataka - rekao je forenzičar.
Podestimo, Ana Volš, rođena Beograđanka i majka trojice maloletnih dečaka, nestala je 1. januara.
Njen nestanak 4. janura prijavile su kolege policiji, a potom i suprug Brajan Volš.
Četvrti dan nakon potrage Brajan je uhapšen zbog sumnje da je ometao potragu, odnono da je dao pogrešene infomacije. Kasnije tokom istrage i pretresa kuće pronađen je u podrumu nož sa tragovima krvi, a na smetlištu još stvari koje pojačavaju sumnju da je Brajan izvršio brutalno ubistvo.
Na njegovom poslednjkem pojavljivanju na sudu on je optužen za ubistvo. Tužilaštvo je tom prilikom navelo da je Brajan pre i nakon, kako ses sumnja ubistva, na guglu između ostalog ,tražio kako da se reši tela, kako da sakrije zločin ali i kada najpre može da nasledi nekoga ko se vodi kao nestao.
Brajana je svojevremeno, prema navodim američkih medija, otac razbaštinio te mu nakom smrti nije ostavio ni dolara.
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pre 1 godinu
Ex-JPMorgan Exec Staley Had ‘Profound’ Friendship With Epstein, US Virgin Islands Claims
JPMorgan serviced about 55 Epstein-related accounts, suit says
USVI filed amended complaint in Manhattan on Tuesday
Jes Staley
Jes StaleyPhotographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg
Ava Benny-Morrison and
Harry Wilson
11 January 2023 at 21:53 GMTUpdated on12 January 2023 at 12:33 GMT
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The US Virgin Islands has expanded allegations that JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its former private wealth chief Jes Staley facilitated sex trafficking for Jeffrey Epstein.
The Virgin Islands, which sued the bank last month, filed an amended complaint in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday claiming that Staley had a “profound” friendship with Epstein and may have been involved in his sex-trafficking ring.
Subject: Lemon Curd
Lemon Curd ,illegal network belongs to Alice Miranda Rothschild
Amplifiers ,EZEKLE 687,787,788
SOUTH Karadjordjevic ,Dr Stanislava Medencia ,BIba S Bulic, Dragana GIna VUkovic, Ivan Dukroivc,ARANKA and IZABELA MOLDVAI, Stana Blagojevic Tre grandma cocaine dealer and the younger STANA II,Ruzica Dimitrjevic ect
North Kate Middleton, Blevedra, Cherie Blair and her son,Thea Rogers and her mother in law FELICITY Peacock ,Lucinda Poole,Edward Edsell ect
ERNEST married KATE MIDDELTON sister ,a poor JEW WOMAN, who find a lover 2019 and become pregnant with him and try to kick out he husband from his wealthy home and bring a new man inside .Kate Middleton who grow up with BELVEDRA try to keep close to Rothschild ,use his connection and arrest or kill ERNEST. Kate find friends within the BALKAN MAFIA over MISHA GLENNY who clamming sex with PRINCESS ANNE in her lake house( I just abused her pina 1 to 4 inches ,not more) even KARADJRODJEVIC who trading this cocaine over SUZANA SUTOVIC home and IVAN DURKOVIC close friend to VELIZAR SUTOVIC , BIBA SNEZANA BULIC,DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC ... and others.
Lemon Curd ,illegal network belongs to Alice Miranda Rothschild
Amplifiers ,EZEKLE 687,787,788
How is ERNEST ? Where is ERNEST?
23 Jan 2023
Time 5:37PM KATE MIDDELTON locked u ERNEST yesterday and raping him?
Kate involved poor GEORGE OSBORNE TO DO IT, as he is with SOLOMON and he heared something about ERNEST from CHERIE BLAIR and that what this woman made up''that ER-NETS HATEs OSBORNE'S FRIEND UP TO KILLING''
Lucnda POOLE''I killed ENREST dog two deary ago.Put it on fair or lighted it up.
23 Jan 2023
Time 6: 44AM
FBI said ''This is serious crime''
''UN BES'' UN AND bes on Slavic''
FAT woman the doctor lover, even Rachela when she fucked him was fat as now.She waited for him and a UPER ROAYL in the silver dress no underwear. They could see her SERBIAN VAGINA .
23 Jan 2023
Time 6:44 AM
SERBIAN police is all the time on the LEMON CURD spied on HAMISH EDSELL and asses-ed him'' We better murder did not heard off, Jackob borrowed HMIAH Edsel car,did not returned a car on time as a black man was just murdered in it and there wereblood on ERNEST SHIRT.
23 Jan 2023
Time 6:34AM ''JACKOB is in the [prison?' Hem used Hamish Edsell car .not gave back on time (ZULU) is the name ..?
DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC listen on the LEMON CUR and ask ''Who was a black man who
Who was the man?
They find a blood om
the seateriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Therefore HAMIHS EDSELL borrow JACKOB a car but did not gave to ERNEST EXTRA
ERNETS is still n that place rape dby KATE MIDDLEON W-O FOOD TATH DEAT KEE TH
GINA VAGINA or DRGANA GINA VUKOVIC as SERBIAN asylum sekker 1974,Dec spy for CIA over MISH GLENNY...and get confusedd over two cases as she shoul not
1''BABA ZMURA'' or''Greanu HIDE and keek''
2.''MAZNE BABU''SERBAI has devoted RADA OR ;''The stolen granny''
22 Jan 2023
We heard that ROTHSCHILD had bed comments on KATE MIDDELTON and her family. They parted and he will NO SUPPORT KATE MIDDELTON EVER.
22 Jan 2023
Time 9:39AM Djorjde Matic '' I walk walk my ex wife just two ''Roundabouts'' as a FALSE AUTISCTIC and BRENT COUCIL [ay me £200 today on SUNDAY
Who pay yo? The police ask
Metropolitan police '' DJORDJE or GEORGE MATIC who pay you?
James Lyon from AMERICA WHO SOLD Ernest SISTER LIFE AND TRY TO DESTRY HIM WITH CIA , ,MISHA GLENNY 817 branch done the ''HEKATA HEAT to he'' or the FALSE HEAD for KARADJRODJEVIC sked 2005 people in BRENT COUNCIL, Tamils ,Hindi and MUSLIM to help DJ MATIC to destry his wife and use FREE even for KYLIE MINPGUE singing
21 Jan 2023
Tine 6:54AM
CHERIE BLAIR aggressively lie about the CASE and faithfully try to kill ERNEST for it use 'The GOD image ' and advertise herself as a BELIVER AWHO HAS A fate IN HERSELF and the GOD HELPER or the archetype HELPER TOLD to MISHA GLLENY
lie ,first I will cover -to the police
If ERNEST saw ever the woman
2.DRAGAN AGINA VUKOVIC WHO ARRIVED to UK AS AYLUM SEEKER 1997 -DRAGANA GINA VAGINA was a cleaner, she cleaned peoples home for food and money, restraints and for a huge money she went for lovers and night clubs who try to find any address that she cover her life at 150 ACTON VALE ACTON , W12 9DG YOU CANNOT MISS THIS IS a long road from SHEPERBUSH to UXBRIDGE ,the flat was over the shop, next to the bus stop 260,207,607 she lived with her half sister and LIDIJA a MACEDONIN woman who staid pregnant with IVAN DURKOVI she said 27 Jan 1999 AND HE FORCED me for abortion on the 8 SEPT 1999 .
IVAN DURKOVIC DOB 7 MAY 1969 NOVI SAD,SERBI can face for manslaughter forcing 8/9 months for abortion
21 Jan 2023
Time7:11AM tatijana IS PROETECTED by Dr Stanislava Medencia AND ALL HER fake studies and the '' BLOOD PRESURE adjustmentS called as a lesbian bride''.
Ivan Durkovic ACTIVLY ABUSING both , ERNEST and his sister BELINDA - IVAN DURKOVIC met him long ago by calling the entire family even HAMISH EDSELL ,LUCINDA POOLE his mother who involved GEORGE OSBONRE HUGARIAN family who promised not to DEAD ARANKA MOLDVAI who died last yeard JUN 2023,buth CHERIE BLAIR let people to speak to the DEATH PERSON over he software pretending that she is to busy in last 6 moths to correct the system.. GEORGE OSBORNE will protect IZBABELA MODLVAI but not BELINDA.
BELINDA knew all about it and refuse to speak with GEOGRE OSBORNE who try to USE BALKAN MAFIJA for his cocaine trade with BIBA S BULIC,OPATA ,DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC ,HAMISH EDSELL.. BRENT MP DAWN BUTEL
Ivan Durkovic went to lie to EALING BRODAY as a 70 5 LABUR to help them - we heard that they RAPED or killed the POLICE WOMAN who did not supported CHERIE BLAIR this Saturday morning even killing her knowing telling' CATHOLIC CHERIE BLAIR selling cocaine over our borough EALING BRODAY with IVAN DURKOVIC ,Stana Balgaojevic ,Biba S Bulic
PAMELA spying on all
IVAN DURKOVIC killing ERNEST as he attacked his brother ATTNEE , and try to introduce to hi sister BELINDA and force to marry with CIA again to some RALE ... BELINDA knew it all and as she hated IVAN DURKOVIC she avoid him as always ,and what hr ex husband brought to her .Its clear that all the COCAINE and hashish has been needed and directed by KARADJRODJECIV from the SOUTH and Dr Medenica including KOSOVO ALBAINIAN and OPATA FAMILY .
MUSLIM are lizards ,low class people
missing link, hypothetical extinct creature halfway in the evolutionary line between modern human beings and their anthropoid progenitors. In the latter half of the 19th century, a common misinterpretation of Charles Darwin's work wamissing link, hypothetical extinct creature halfway in the evolutionary line between modern human beings and their anthropoid progenitors. In the latter half of the 19th century, a common misinterpretation of Charles Darwin's work was that humans were lineally descended from existing species of apes.s that humans were lineally descended from existing species of apes.
Time 18 Jan 2023
18 Jan 2023
Time 04:38PM PRINCE ANDREW was found by EPSTEIN people nd they try to kill him.insted heard that it was TONI BLAIT who said that hated
2.PRINCE ANDREW visit to the Buchkingam opalas even BILL CLINTON
17 Jan 2023
Time 8:42AM OPATA BROTHER admitted falseLY CAKLLING 999 to ERNEST address and lie that he tried to SEDUCE OPATA..... It started when ERNEST said ,getting back from the hospital I NOT LIKE ..ERNEST WAS both time attacked by th epolice ,who OPATA said are friend of ass ALBANIANS ...
OPATA siting in BELINDA whereas ERNST refuse to meet her at all... we heard - KARADJORDJEVIC doing this arrangements....
ERNEST trousers were ripe part ,the green....l
17 Jan 2023
Time 6:36AM
Cherie Blair to ERNEST''....''Why you speaking ,,..''I find this system (ERNEST I m busy with PAMELA,
PAMELA PUBLICLY LIE that she seeing the comedian --------------------------------- HAMISH EDSEKK same he is with IVAN DURKOVUIC in BELINDA keep lying that BELINDA needs IZABELA MOLDVAO ''AGATON WALKER'' for a FALSE AUTISTIC or in the CASE of IZABELA MOLSVAI,STANA BLGEOJEVIC ,DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC RE==
They done as softwear against BELINDA even they telling GEORGE OSBORNE with ARANKA MOLDVAI fahter... he hold all the HUNGARIAN and his mother,but they truly connecting them ...using BERNEG BELA was a great man, and sort of ERNEST system has to listen and become HUNGARIAN
HOW is ERNEST? CAN he speak? Why KIRA speak over him?
Can he eat?
calling 999 on EARNEST
17 Jan 202
Time 07:07AM
DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC or GINA VAGINA screaming to DJORDJE MATIC '' Ona ce to da isere da sam je krala iz stana ,hajde da je nalupamo''
referring to ERNEST SISTER BELINDA''She will sheet out that i robed her ,hej can we attack her for it?''
DRAGANA GINA VAGINA is a professional prostitute who had sex from VLADA SANTOJOVAN ,DJORJDE MATIC,IVAN DURKOVIC to GEORGE OSBONRE who she complained ''He paid me just £300 for sex at his mother PIMILICP FLAT ,on the second floor.BEDRROM RED and GREEN''....
He painting his FALUS BLUE for this.I DRAGBA LOVE IT. Blue food collor you can find in any shop.
GEORGE OSBORNE IS PRETTY WITH A blue FALUS''. He sad to me too that he was even loosing potency with THEA ROGER ,but he still love his mother and her MAGIC SOUP that he use instead of VIAGRA.His mother r FELCITY PEACKOK told all this to LUCINDA POOLE who called her in the game for ''cocaine pyramids''.
17 Jan 2023
Time 8:42AM OPATA BROTHER addmited falsy calling 999 on EARNEST
SOUTH Karadjordjevic ,Dr Stanislava Medencia ,BIba S Bulic, Dragana GIna VUkovic, Ivan Dukroivc,ARANKA and IZABELA MOLDVAI, Stana Blagojevic Tre grandma cocaine dealer and the younger STANA II,Ruzica Dimitrjevic ect
North Kate Middleton, Blevedra, Cherie Blair and her son,Thea Rogers and her mother in law FELICITY Peacock ,Lucinda Poole,Edward Edsell ect
ERNEST married KATE MIDDELTON sister ,a poor JEW WOMAN, who find a lover 2019 and become pregnant with him and try to kick out he husband from his wealthy home and bring a new man inside .Kate Middleton who grow up with BELVEDRA try to keep close to Rothschild ,use his connection and arrest or kill ERNEST. Kate find friends within the BALAKN MAFIA over MISHA GLENNY who clamming sex with PRINCESS ANNE in her lake house( I just abused her pina 1 to 4 inches ,not more) even KARADJRODJEVIC who trading this cocaine over SUZANA SUTOVIC home and IVAN DURKOVIC close friend to VELIZAR SUTOVIC , BIBA SNEZANA BULIC,DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC ... and others.
13 Jan 2023
We SPOKEN with Dr Stanislava Medicinal ON ACCURACY FOR THIS ..WE HELD ALL OUR DATA TO and she said CONDITIONING ''Critical conditioning''.
To record all the names IN china OR IN THEY REGION and solve the problem as MARI and remember them ,I decided to give them nick names such as tintin,pom,-pom,tan--tan ..
Month passed ,or two Dr Stanislave Medenica ''I missed up even their nick names ,faces a TIN TIM become POM -POM .. we will let them mary and dovorce then, if we do not like what they do we will kill them..and change the region''
13 Jan 2023
UNITED NATION ''Cherie Blair give up yourself''
U.N ''our data about Belinda, Ernest SISTER DISAPERED FROM UINTED NATION system
Cherie Blair ''I cleared it up ,with CIA as MISHA GLENNY''
TONI BLAIR son EUAN BLAIR decided to kill ERNEST a. We find the evident this
KIRA is on the system whose mother in law killed all ERNES dogs and puppies
KIRA REPORTED her to the dog charity and animal welfare telling ''She even killing''
13 Jan 2023
We SPOKEN with Dr Stanislava Medicinal ON ACCURACY FOR THIS ..WE HELD ALL OUR DATA TO and she said CONDITIONING ''Critical conditioning''.
To record all the names IN china OR IN THEY REGION and solve the problem as MARI and remember them ,I decided to give them nick names such as tintin,pom,-pom,tan--tan ..
Month passed ,or two Dr Stanislave Medenica ''I missed up even their nick names ,faces a TIN TIM become POM =POM
13 Jan 2023
13 Jan 2023
Time 00:22AM
KATE MIDDDEON ''I sent people-to save Ernes ERNEST eye yes, 18 minutes TO KILL HIM ''
they beaten up Ernest head,bleeding.. KateMiddelton..if he is alive kill him''
13 Jan 2023
Time3:5OPM Cherie Blair''i WILL KILL the SELFRIDGES
...WE heard GEORGE Osborn ;;for A LIFE AND LINE Change YOU M
ERNEST is hardly alive ad KATE MIDDELTON try to kill -him for his ex wife pleasure and CHERIE BLAIR helping her heartfully with her son EAUN BLAIR who stalking BELINDA,ERNEST sister
13 Jan 2023
Time 5;34A, united nation monitoring the LEMON CURD closely, as CIA said
''We sent people to kill all FBI
SWEAR to god and they children''
CIA '' War against FBI''
CIA''We ate stupid CIA?''
CIA'' ''our children ''
Misha Glenny people
as IVAN DURKOVIC ,DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC ,DJORDJE MATIC BIBA S BULIC oven is even worse ..we have a wrong DATA from them ,wrong names all from SERBIA
CIA said ,last weeks ,........ Stana Blgeojevic SPENT HOURS LAST WEEK ON THE on the phone ARANKA MOLDVAI
13 Jan 2023
starting here
Date 12 Jan 2023
Time06:47PM Princess Beatrice, Mrs Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi has a GEORGE OSBONRE as a long staing lover,I swear to GOD -it will be out in the publci one day. GeorgeOsborne said that her vagina in worthless.
2Princess Beatrice, Mrs Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi . try to sing or FALSE IT,abusing other people voices or FAKE IT as KYLIE MINOGUE
She tried BELINDA ,ERNEST sister vagina or pina FOR IT?
I will tell you ...sam as GINA VAGINA
Date 12 Jan 2023
Time 5 :55 PM
Cherie Blair still FAKING the REAL to avoid prison- having same from the 11 Jan 2023 Time 7:23PM Wheras telling how CARMEN PUJO VILA daughter SPYING ON THIS ,AND HER FATHER BROTHER STILLING ITEM IN MADRID ,SPAIN from ZARA shops. Swear to God l
Charie Blair USING a VOICE MODULATORS and the ''government testing,then the TESTER PLAY OUT as a REAL...
Date 11 Jan 2023]
Time 7:38PM
READ THIS ''One of the worse PAKISTANI SPY died ,telling that with UNITED NATION ''STAR'' he spy on UK ,GERMANY even analysing CORRUPTION Switzerland and DAVID BECK-AM account.They went so far ,as they raped as now doing TONI BLAIR innocent woman ,mostly media workers. He called them to his flat for a dinner ,and offer the wine....He claimed that all this woman tried to seduce this PAKISTANI PARTIZAN.A lot of people are happy to see him death, even SERBIAN '' BLUE Boxes es where opened by him?'
We heard abouth him when he chased the same ERNEST sister for one thing ,then suddenly he was asking for DJORJDE MATIC''BLUE BOX',then UCITELJICA RADA,he said and her granddaughters. Rada was involved with and ARABIC man ,we called him MUSTAFA ...but...and her ''RADAMUSTAFINA MALADA
Open Central Asia Magazine was deeply saddened to hear of the sudden demise of one of our friends and close supporters, Dr Shahid Qureshi, on 10th February 2022 at the age of 56.
Dr Shahid Qureshi was a senior analyst with BBC and chief editor of The London Post. He wrote on security, terrorism and foreign policy. During his journalism career, he appeared as an analyst on Al-Jazeera, Press TV, MBC, Kazak TV (Kazakhstan), LBC Radio London. He was also international election observer for Azerbaijan 2020, April 2018, Kazakhstan 2015, 2016, 2019 and Pakistan 2002.
He wrote a famous book “War on Terror and Siege of Pakistan” published in 2009. At Government College.
Yes he told to ENREST sister BELINDA who he met at the Portcullis House on some lecture on JEMEN or so
we heard FBI speaking about TONI BLAIR on the LEMON CURD and asking why he abuse ERNEST sister for 25 years with a FALSE DOCUMENTS from ARANKA MOLDVAI
..some heard that DAWN BUTLER MP,BRENT ,LONDON played her high politic TURN back on TONI BLAIR... as very new in borough politics then ,after Sarah Louise Teather Lib Dem she was caught after years 2012 builtding this lines with ARANAK MOLDVAI,and swear to GOD balck sisterhood and a top Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama ,who pulling the power from USA,but behind even TONI BLAIR back,as BELINDA as her very low blond pressure suddenly went up.by placing DAWN BUTERL her'' pina vagina ''to ERNEST SISTER telling'' I NEED 52 orgasm with a white woman at once to feel the space .. she delwed to her and do not want to go out..and not just that .. we caught her doing with the SERBS '' a PROPERLER;; which would save any spy or divers to different line as the HINDI's in BRENT and the MUSLIM's told paying her £20 000 spying over her even the Monarchy ,weekend spying on PRINCE ANDREW and KATE MIDDLETON DAWN BUTLER can get £25 000 PER SPY .
DAWB BUKTER get rid of her two friends ,both were back we heard.Both woman,bot death .One at home ,one not.One married one not.And thay said that she get rid of a granny for £10 000 CAMDEN somewhere and get that flat ...
12 Jan 2023
Yes ,ye play a A QUEEN consciousness ...... yes DAWN BUTLER WERE taking out even from BELINDA TONI BLAIR psyches and replace with ARANAKA MOLDVAI ,another..Its can as a poor mad woman lide for CIA 817 or MISHA GLENNY murder squad .,LAURA BUSH deparemtn,cthey said ....
12 Jan 2023
Time 6:22PM
Royal Leamington Spa
Yes ,Royal Leamington Spa has been used in they project,CIA when we heard what LORD DAVID POOLE doing ''teaching GINA VAGINA or DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC'' how to apply cocaine in her vagina as he taught her his wife LUCINDA POOLE.Lord David Poole born 1945 ,even using VIAGRA a performance was poor ,with COCAINE in their vagina younger girls full-fill thy need for a good orgasm ,they said...
We had a granny online,KY LIE MINOGUE crying for her lover PRINCE CHARLES to help her from United Nation arrest.The SERBIAN government is ready to arrest her. Choosing A MENTALLY ILL ARANKA MOLDVAI as shied for her FAKING and once KEN LIVINGSTONE doing even to BELIND,AMY,PETER ... from the PRIMAR ( VOICE) a SECOND or DUAL
They claimed this morning thad ED MILIBAND will NOT STOP the LEMON CURD but he want to poor hope in BELINDA to do what?
KATE MIDDELTON still killing ERNEST with CHERIE BLAIR ,KARADJORDJEVIC.....We heard ,swear to GOD that have lover even BEN,USING CANNABIS often
and that RALE killed ERNEST bother ATTNNEE or be in the team who done it
GINA VAGINA ,rebel now to FBI and lie continuously playing a FALSE BELIND,FALSE ERNEST with OPATA over some people from the SERBAIN EMBASSY as MARCATE ,MACURA and tyr to use with MISHa GELLNY any exit
THE POLISH Pamela has to be arrested with ERNEST mother sister ,even KIRA.. ''EUFRETEN LAW'' NO BAIL OUT.... abusing ERNETS sister BELINDA from 1997 ,ND 161CM long or talll PAMEA just telling tthat she was 181CM.. A cheap woman spy ion the BRITISH government.... and she muste be arretsed with IVAN DURKOVIC even if he was RICHARD BRAN SON LOVER
9 Jan 2023
MISHA GELLNY screaming on the network that he was asked to build for the favour of the whore GINA VAGINA or GINA DRAGANA VUKOVIC thathe started to use 2004 ...
MISHA GLENNY said''Yes I lad yesterdays to the police of Elephant and Castle to SAVE DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC lied
TONI BLAIR os on radars,we can hear him over the LEMON CURD that he speak with FBI
9 Jan 2023
MISHA GLENNY asking JENIFER CORRY READ to never see ERNEST or his sister BELINDA same to CAROL LANGTON her sister. KARADJRODJEVIC giving this sort of advises and, MISHA GLenny cheerfully doing it for the,#
..the police spited and asking strait MISHA GLENNY ''Why JENIFER or CAROL would not speak with ERNEST or BELINDA?''
OPATA is suddenly on line ,breaking in to cover for them ..
DAWN BUTLER,LABOUR MP BRENT London UK called it even on SLAVIC '' DVOKADRILAC'' what she use to abstract when some speaking about her to not reach the public.....
STANA BLAGOJEVIC speaking on SLAVIC'' JA sa, licno STANA BLAGOEJVIC '' or I am personally STANA BLAGOJEVIC,yes i lied the policem ...
p,s.ARANKA MOLDVAI called them all ,and for a poor heath she lied to thereanent the first place,but them knew that IZABELA MOLDVAIDOB; 20 Dec 173 born autistic, not ERNEST sister BELINDA
them MISHA GLENNY '' Yes knew that MISHA GLENNY
Princess Beatrice ...THEY INVOLVED her ,even CHERIE BLAIR ..as TONI BLAIR try to abolish with RICHARD BRANDON and KEN LIVINGSTONE then the HOUSE OF LORD..as the ROYAL COURT of Justice has the highest authority and can take cases over the ''The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations and began work in April 1946. The seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands) ' , investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international .' ..NO court can to not country not even USA or AMERICA with the SUPREME COURT is behind the BRITISH ROYAL COURT ... ENGLAND lost it all
GEORGE BUSH mastermind this ,to reduce ENGLAND to the minimum..not HOUSE OF LORD'S as he can not become one,he stay within the HOUSE of COMMONS as TONI BLAIR a cheap commoner. English court would weaker for SUPREME COURT as USA and UN TRIBULAN can be run even from NEW YORK .
BRITANIA has the highest court authority on the world ,THERESA MAY they said and seven(7) judges should not change it for TONI BLAIR or
Date 9 Jan 2023...
Time 9 :08 PM LUCINDA POOLE ''I am appointed by UNITED NATION from Jan 2000 to monitor ERNEST sister ..
LUCINDA POOLE '' DJORDJE MATIC told me that ARANKA MOLDVAI called him and let him knew tha she was speaking with BELINDA and BELINDA was unwell..''
BRENT POLICE '' LUCINDA POOLE ,you are arrested..
background'' ARANK MOLDVAI ill heath make her calling people and lie that ERNEST sister BELINDA is autistic .The police all over the world have the CASE and stooping people to be anyone ....'' KARADJRODJEVIC using her illness and keen to produce FALSE DOCUMENTS or personal profile to anyone ,with they friends in the SERBIAN EMBASSY .they make a grerat COCAINE TRADE...Cherie Blair is very similar to them. She lie and telling that every single life that she destroyed is ..'' TRY TO MAKE ir for people that BELINDA need the software ,not DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC or IZABELA MOLDVAI..even CHERIE BLAIR
BRENT POLICE''We have recorded KYLIE MINOGUE whoa admitted to us that she is unwell and to slim down ,that she is fat ,even said for a wheelchair without BELINDA ...
again on the LEMON CURD an dour rather ''the conversation about the HOUSE OF LORDS and how ENGLAND WILL BE A ''FLATLAND'' with this cheap AMERICA SUPREME COURT ...we would have to listen everyone ,even NETHERLANDS
at 21:17h KARADJORDJEVIC discussing the sot wear they KYLIE MINGOUE HAS TO WEAR to survive a day more her heart or myocardial infarction..
KYLIE MINOGUE a lover of lot of men from GEORGE BUSH ,PRINCE ANDREW PRINCE CHARLES who truly loved her ..peopel telling that PRINCE CHARLES had affair and daughter with Tara Palmer-Tomkinson and they infested her stomach to dei a little bit..
Date 9 Jan 20223
Time 09:21AM
MISHA GELLNY admitting that he done this to ERNEST and his sister BELINDA , The HEKATA HEAD,pretending that she is autistic for a favour of his lover GINA VAGINA called even CIA, JAMES LYON IZABELA MOLDVAI ex boyrfired 2005....
GLAC told that he was with MISHA GELLNY in the ETHNIC CLEANSING in CROATIA ,KNIN or KNINSKA KRAJINa'' from 100 women we raped just two were MUSLIM
PAMELA the POLISH MILJUSKA siting in BELINDA VAGINA and asking HAMISH EDSELL to keep her there even try to find ERNEST for it..... and visitng his relatives as KIRA , ERNEST mother sister AUNTY NONA and clean for her ..... just to keep any torch with ERNETAS family]]..we had LAROD KOLJA again on the line or LEMON CUR ..they investigated him and he said''ARANK MOLDVAI lied ..yes KOLJA mother TEREZA MOLDVAI then LAZOR was working for HUNGARIAN newspaper MAGYAR SZO ,NOVI SAD
10 Jan 2022
The granny asking on th LEMON CURD'' This is my daughter?''Doty ,please come .This woman caling that I gave birth t to her.and LUCINDA POOLE is with her and HAMISH EDSELL,,,They try to convince me that I am mother or who?''
Where is ERNEST?''
Where Iis his sister BELINDA?'
PRINCE ANDREW spend his chem with his children.. ,look after them....
Date 9 Jan 2023
on the system GORDON BROWN LIE to FBI ,as he heart fully noted that ''IVAN DURKOVIC ,1997/98 find me with DJORDJ EMATIC ...yesterday they called even KIKINDA ,SERBIA ..
IVAN DURKOVIC lied that he is BELINDA's childhood friend...we cleared it up .IVAND DURKOVIC LIED.He is DJORDJE MATIC childhood friend and grow up a door across to each other.
Where is ERNEST?
(OPATA LIED SORTIEING THERE,same as IVAN that she knew ERNEST for years and he change his heart over the LEMON CURD ...)
9 Jan 2023
Time 07:15
5 Jan 2023
Time 2:10PM Cherie Blair actively creating FALSE RESPONSIVE systems ,as with once KEN LIVINGSTONE and the ''DOUBLE C'' or
A London hospital find it,long time ago- ERNEST sister volunteered for years withe RED CROSS and covered hospitals from St Mary's Hospital ,Chelsea and Westminster Hospital ,Charing Cross Hospital ,Hammersmith Hospital --- suddenly her brother is on the GOVERNMENT C?The digital security decoded all,that Cherie Blair playing the DOUBLE LIFE SPAN for them....and lot of others... the life that people having with Cherie Blair is meanignless to live.Her HOLOGRAMS are in us,for the wife COD RED reproving to the husband over her THERMAL BODY and whereabouts.. Holograms ARE IN PEOPLES HOME scanning ,bad Bluetooth the data.It how ALAN SUGAR get rich. .... RICHARD BRANSON,BIBA S BULIC even CIA..They flayed even GORDON BROWN as a LADY BIRD.
Where is ERNETS? How is ERNETS? What they done with the granny ,even KYLIE MONOLOGUE?
5Jan 2022
Time11:40PM TONI BLAIR recording FALSE ORGASM or producing FALSE SAMES to people .Yes ELECTRICAL ORGASMS.....We SERBIAN called it ''
They speaking about a composer ,her name is Vanda Prohácka. who has PhD in music ,CAMBRIDGE ...and all people who ARANKA MOLDVAI with ehr husband BELA MOLDVAI killed or get rid of to hide IZABELA MOLDVAI health condition or AUTISM.
1MILENA is IDJOSA could be born 8 March 1974 ,and killed young as they taken her home with the car, or told her 'MI IDEMO U MILOSEVO po meso ,hajde da te odbacimo kuci usput u IDJOS'... They told to MIlena that they going for bucher to Milosevo ,to drop her home''.MILENA NEVER ARRIVED HOME..they belive that as BELA MOLDVAi said called the parents and said''MILENA NIJE UMRLA UZALUD'' MILENA did not died for nothing''.
2Senka from TOZA MARKOVIC rudnici''drop there to die '
3Izabela Moldvai boyfied before Bojan Markovic ,a SERBIAN death boy,who believe involved IZABELA into politic in the high schools
and other oatcakes VERBAS or place VRBAS, they relatives as well NACSA BLANKA ,IBOLJA MOLDVAI or NACSA IBOLJA daughter a
and so many otheers
on the 5 Jan 2022
at 11:51PM we could here Vanda Prohácka abouth CHERIE BLAIR crime as she met ERNEST sister once, I have a DATA from MISHA GLENNY CIA 817 ADRINA VISCONTIA 'WE called in Czechia'' PAHTOJ'' and doing the TROJAN HORSE
7 Jan 2023
Time1 ;27AM
MISHA GLENNY clamming on the network,happy that ERNETS is death
KIRA and Anty Nona or Nono are in ERNETS property by forced.They must move out under the police doer by 15 Jan 2023 we have,as they lied to the police .
at 2:12AM we have Cherie Blair on the LEMON CURD or HOME OFFICE lines that she used the TRAFFIC LIGHT system, RED ,YELLOW and GREEN
but thei part of BRENT is a LEMON or Yellow same as Wembley ,a Custard ..
KARADJORDJEVIC are offensive try to separate ENTERS and BELINDA and by any force marry BELINDA again to the man now she never met,some RALE .
FBI asked them who was for this one with ARANKA MOLDVAI and ENREVIN MOLDVAI..they said JANOS IVANOVIC ZOLT IVANOVIC fahter...we belive that his sister TUNDE FABRI IVANOVIC has to be asses for voice
We heard that KYLIE MINOGUE turned even to MERVIN KING to save her from shame,as the world knew that she try to resze ERNEST sister with CHERIE BLAIR and LUCINDA POOLE and HAMISH EDSELL BE HER BODY GUARD as he can not be fully he manager and GEORGE OSBORNE who seeping in the COCAINE ALBANIA OPATA trade with his mother this DAWN BUTELR PIRAMID.. JUST £100 for a single mother as OPATA in BRENT
We find another LUCINDA POOLE data who let HAMISH EDSELL ot Mi5 to change DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC REAL IDENTITY for a FALSE ..we find then as they had a swimming at 4AM ..her nick name is the SERBS said ''SARKOFAG''sarcophagu
They still try to kill ERNEST and take away what KATE MIDDELTON can with her sister BELVEDRA his ex wife ,now with ROTHSCHILD and SOLOMON the JEWS network not fully functioning for KYLIE MINOGUE,its why ERNETS is alive,as they do not have a propriety they said in BRENT to see KYLIE MINOGUE to FALSE SING.
5 Jan 2023
Time 12:01pm Serbs FROM London'' We heard that GINA VAGINA or DRAGNA GINA VUKOVIC doing illegal penetration to our children called .like from the RED BOX( phone box) whereas someone paying her £2 000 000 per /year brining up our sons over CAPITALISTIC PENETRATION sing over the HOLOGRAM WOLRD to they penisis ( we heard hypothalamus) then we revise OR RAISE a GOD or the BAD BOYS
5 Jan 2023
Time11:44AM CHERIE BLAIR is under the supervision of the FBI and the police.1997 Cherie Blair depicted to lie for ARANKA MOLDVAI ONLY DAUGHTER IZABELA, or to cover that she is born autistic or echolalic. HER REPSONE WAS ''THEY ARE CATHOLIC''.
ARANKA MOLDVAI joined this CIA for a poor people and her life belongs to LAURA BUSH. Her late husband BELA MOLDVAI had huge arguments with GEORGE BUSH telling him,''My daughter is autistic but both or your daughters have left legs just and hardly be able to named the continent end never run the world. And you son in hiding with South America, Brazilian indigenous half man half bull or MINOTAUR like from CRETE would never understand the would not 1+2 ,watching his dark skin and eye and see NO FUTURE .
1970 ARANKA MOLDVAI asking all to help her daughter IZBALEA,AGE SEVEN(7) NOT SPEAKING spending her years out from the school at the psychiatric border ..her father BERNEG BELA was a teacher as her uncle ..he was working in the TOWN HALL in the registry office or archive ... for ..they had third relative ,we investigated the police even KOLJA LAZOR ,his name was BARNA JOZEF.. IZABELA had a help from her father who was INTERPOL ,he was professional footballer first ( school TRGOVAC or sale assistant shops as ANGROPROMET'' KIKINDA where he worked all his life. He studded economy in BELGRADE''VISA EKONOMSKA'' two years ,and it helped him to go to police or INTERPOL ...
BELA MOLDVAI hate KARADJORDJEVIC ,but ARANKA MOLDVAI turned even to them for help and travelled to SMEDEREVO to buy some souvenirs for it. KARADJRODJEVIC is helped by this COCAINE TRADE of LAURA BUSH part of the CIA and CHERIE BLAIR ,from the TORI said a main dealers are LUCINDA POOLE, HER sons husbands DAVID EDSELL,LORD DAVID POOLE and 20 YEARS YUNGER lover (S)as IVAN DURKOVIC
FROM 56 people helping KARADJORDJEVIC from all over the world,we have hardly 20 today
5 Jan 2023
5 Jan 2023
Time7:40AM new treats to Ernest
THEY ( Karadjrodjevic )TRIED TO HAME him stupid using ARANK AMOLDVAI ill heath that his sister BELINDA is autistic ?
Yes,Xwith HAMISH EDSELL who fucking even now his ex wife PAMELA -one before this BELVRDA
BIBA S BULIC clamming that she kill or going to HANG Enters, as people discovered that his sister BELINDA is conscious and BIBA S BULCI can not sit in BELINDA VAGINA and use the PASSES with ARANKA MOLDVAI for all the irregularities. BIBA S BULCI swearing to GOD that she had sex with TONI BLAIR...WE ARE NOT SUPRISED
IVAN DURKOVIC do not stopping using the illegal soft wear over BELINDA HEAD
Karadjordjevic with BIBA S BULIC
3 Jan 2023
Time12:18PM FBI investigating ARANKA and Izabela Moldvai ''
FBI '' How you find IVAN DURKOVIC?''
Aranka Moldvai '' At DJORDJE MATIC FLAT''
Date 2 Jan 2023
Time11:52AM On the network we had IVAN DURKOVIC who involved a Hungarian politician Istavn Pasztor in the matter
Ivan Durkovic 20 years older lover LUCINDA POOLE do not want to give up as this was easy way to her to earn enormous money over BRENT COUNCIL;
MISHA GLENNY was after RUPERT- RUPERT would be BELINDA REAL mother,ENGLISH ANGLICAN brother son... they find her GRAINY who discussed how she was lied by CHERIE BLAIR and TONI BLIAR and she try to arrested the,...BIBA S BULIC is aware of the matter and sent people to kill them .. we heard that they friends were attacked at home,BIBA S BULIC missed the real grandma
CIA 817 still operates alongside with UPAS as MISHA GLENNY murder squad
PAMELA the POLISH ,once ERNEST wife before BELVEDRA who crawling to HAMISH EDSELL in dirty business even with PRIMARK - cannabis easy money with KIRA who was by mistake called KIKI
2 Jan 2023
Time was 12 ;47 PM when we had GINA VAGINA or DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC half sister on the network ''Yes we had a mad reative who was our grandma who was DANCING 1926 to the SULEJMAN PASHA
Pamela is agreesive online
Mozambique government has been involved ? Are they selling cocaine there with TONI BLAIR and IVAN DURKOVIC?
MISHA GLENNY and SERBAIN governmentand a fully trained woman taking or spying next to this HINDI from BRENT COUNCIL ,Cheire Blair right hand - This HINDI woman going strait ti their people in UNITED NATION outside OF THE COUNTY RULES
GINA VAGINA sitting in BELINDA VAGINAE or ERNEST sister do not want to move out- same ALICE ROTHSCHILD ,STANA BLAGOEVIC and SOUTH RUZICA DJINDJIC try to be on the network
2 Jan 2023
Time8:57AM MISHA GLENNY has been caught wrongdoing
2 Jan 2023
We find KATE MIDDLETON interception illegal and wrongful ,her mother CAROL MIDDLETON and father sitting on all;; government and try to control even the HOME OFFICE and the police not just the shops with intrusions and FALSE STATEMENTS
TONI BLAIR must STOP as they can not use ERNEST sister BELINDA FALSE SETTLED'' PASSEN '' and killing ERNEST for it ... TONI BLAIR try to keep his son EUAN under BELINDA or DELWED inn and play with IVAN DURKOVIC a PERFECT BALKAN COCAINE and offer shares to GEORGE OSBORNE ...
They still do it?
Yes even LUCINDA POOLE RETURN IT BRAVE THEM ... she went against ERNEST and BELINDA as she started 1997 ..with STANA BLAGEJOVIC this ARANKA MOLDVAI MAD IZABELA MOLDVAI who scream that it is just one '''FOX'' case during the SECOND WORLD WAR
IZABELA MOLDVAI said on the LEMON CURD that '' SILVER FOX'' was devoted to DESERT FOX OPERATION of Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel nicknamed “the Desert Fox.....
2 Jan
f o o d for ERNEST ,w a t e r for ERNEST starved as a blind for seen (7) days
Date 30 Dec 2022
Time11:01AM UNITED NATION ''Where is or ERNEST?'' '' RAPED in the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital,: 369 Fulham Rd., London SW10 9NH we called 0203315 8000 as CHERIE BLAIR who clamming that even she lied about ERNEST SISTER health and PALSY treated her as a solicitor for autistic disorder that BELINDA NEVER HAD, due to dis- proportionality Cherie Blair insist to continue with LUCINDA POODLE and ARANKA MOLDVAI this cocaine trade, just to ass Thea Rogere who love MESALITO or psychedelic mushrooms or magical mushroom to hallucinate
LUCINDA POOLE and PAMELA who changed her POLISH NAME 12 times siting in BELINDA vagina and do not want to delw out with to continue her dirty game whereas her son HAMISH EDSELL is busy with the paternity test to prove that he is the father of PAMELA son born 2000,the POLISH government telling that the DNA show EDWRD EDSELL as a father and the secret wedding bell between PAMELA and EDWARD 1999 in the POLISH church not far from her home town.
Date 30 Dec 2022
LUCINDA POOLE admitted playing FALSE PRINCE ANDREW ,same as HAMISH EDSELL and DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC through the shops over the managerial lines (EZEKLE)
WHO initiated ARANKA MOLDVAI to CIA LAURA BUSH deparemtn ,as her husband BELA MOLDVAI hated it?
JANOS IVANOVIC and his wife MARIA IVANOVIC ,son Zsolt Ivanovic and daughter Tünde Fabri Ivanovic -as they all asked is she is a fake as KYLIE MINOGUE
IVAN DURKOVIC do not STOP to lie ,and on the LEMON CURD he is with RAHELA ,OPATRA ,over agreasive STANA BLAGOJEVIC who lied the BRENT COUNCIL FIRST ABOUT ERNEST sister never autistic disorder and how they made it up with IVANKA ROGIC HEART or TETKE VANJA ,2 or 6 Wyndham Road, Ealing, West London, W13.
IVAN DURKOVIC as he said ' I am a head of CIA for the BALKAN''-he plays a FALSE unconscious, pre -subconscious ,sub- conscious to people as a BIB BROTHER monitoring system even i CANADA
'' We finding them DECODED on ERNETS CASE or ERNEST system' as CHERIE BLAIR used it row on the LEMON CURD and its sIsterto read or separate LIE and the LIE and nothing but a HOLY LIE from the truth and the truth and the HOLY TRUTH ... and receded the OUTCOME ''CHERIE BLAIR LIED''even uder the KASPIAN LAW
differences between the fibres?
MISHA GLENNY under investigation to passing only the FALSE data to USA to the EMPHATIC SPACE by mistake ... The speed KILLED him this time ,same as TONI BLAIR
DATE 30 Dec 2022Time2;3AM
Thea Rogers who was placed there with the SERBS ''LIKE CATS in the bag''
all she needs is cocaine from them and MESCALITO mushrooms she said this time ..no LDS
she sad that she do not want to coach others on this mater
KYLIE MINOGUE ot not want to STOP ? No Thea Rogers and called BBC to call the ASTOR(s) all about ERNEST and his sister BELINDA
UNITED NATION is on the matter ,SERBIA
DATA is from CIA -we askd even DJORDJE MATIC to confirm
simply ARANKA MOLDVAI DOB 3 Sept 1946 BANAT TOPOLYA paretns (BALINT ROZAILA and BERENG BELA) late brother BERNEG BELA junior
ARANKA MOLDVAI married 1967 ,first time give birth 8 MARCH 1969 and the boy died on the 9 MARCH 1969 buried in BANAT TOPOLYA
IZABELA MOLDVAI DOB 20 DEC 1973 born wit autistic disported. childhood memory loss - and spent year first on the psychiatric border of KIKINDA's hospital.... IZABELA was lucky that her grandfather was a teacher and herfather and INTERPOL as MISHA GLENNY who was aksed by KARADJORDJEVIC to preotect GINA VAGINA ,BIBA SBULIC,STANA BLAGOEJIC....
We find even IVAN DURKOVIC locking up or separate ENRETS and BELINDA with lies
The HOME OFFICE asked Dr Stanusava Medenic how she made up BELINDA AS A POLITICIAN..Dr Stanislava Medencia rewsponded on the LEMON CURD''It was JANOS IVANOVIC ARANKA MOLDVAI
ALICE ROTHSHCILD ill heath keeping the poor her siting in BELINDA's VAGINA
CHERIE BLAIR was all night a FALSE BELINDA and sent today ERNEST TO BE MAD and RAPED - we called the PRESS as KATE MIDDELTON want to kill him, and asked PRINCE WILLIAM to do it for BELVEDRA and CAROL MIDDETON ASKING PRINCE WILLIAM to kill ERNEST CUT OFF his fingers
28 Dec 2022
Time 05:51PM
IVAN DURKOVIC and RALE still hunting ERNEST and BELINDA beliving in the wrong REALMS.We said that CIA and FBI confirmed that IZABELA MOLDVAI DOB 20 DEC 1973 was born autistic ,yes ARANKA MOLDVAI and BELA MOLDVAI daughter or only daughter.They were just GUARDIAN to BELINDA
ARANKA MOLDVAI poor mental heath no one take into consideration to abuse her never daughter BELINDA LIFE fully unti ,BELINDA did not married and her husband used ARANKA ILLNES'',Schizophrenia '' which is a mental health condition where you may see, hear or believe things that are not real.
Aranka MOLDVAI is able to call people as she did,even IVAN DURKOVIC ,IVAND ROGIC HEARTH,STANA BLAGOEJIVC and lie.... POEPLE's knew countries knew ... only person on EARTH who taken if forward pretending that BELINDA is autistic not IZABELA MOLDVAI is CHERIE BLAIR.
Cherie Blair bravely arguer and lie ..placed ERNEST sister in the TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS, KILLING HIM whereas she having dyslexia and memory loss to cover with BELINDA then as her OPULEN ..... its why ERNEST shall fll ill and death.. his ix wife PAMELA the POLISH who went to HAMISH EDSELL bed,then to his brother EDWARD EDSELL and achieved a POLISH BOY,LUCINDA POOLE a Polish grandson who hardly speaking ENGLISH and needs the HEKATA HEAD school or part of the CIA 817 lines for both,COCAINE and FALSE EXAMS...
KATE MIDDELTON captivated ERNEST again ,she said as her mummy CAROL asked for BELVEDRA benevolence and molested him .ERNETS had a worse pain ever in his life ...... BELVEDRA poored liquid to ERNEST eye to blind him ,yes before it why he can not see on his right eye pproperly or hardly
CIA ask ''Is ERNEST alive, was this last attempt to kill him KATE MIDDELTON and BELVEDRA first successful?''
28 Dec 2022
Time10;30AM Kate Middelton depicted to take away a last freedom with her mummy CARLOL MIDDELTON FROM us WITH SOME NE LAW
SERBIAN GOVERMENT ''Ivan Durkovic je jako glup covek ,on je mafia man as Arakan aS aca Jusa Bulic ZEMUNSKI CLAMN
HOW is ERNEST ,and KATE MIDDLETON NEW BIBLE?I 9 All our's is hers)s he alive
Date 27 Dec 2022
Time 02:19PM INVESTIGATION ENDED ''Cherie Blair is guilty ''
27 Dec 2022
MISHA GLENNY'' I am guilty to make ERNEST or BELINDA both starving ..all is because of me
TONI BLAIR is till aggressive with his wife and children -they need the BALKAN and the COCAIN there.....try to abolish the HOUSE OF LORDS and sit in DOWNIGN STREET for 15 or 20 years again as a CATHOLIC ....ENLGLAND as a NEW CATHOLIC country
KARADJRODJEVIC and MEDENCIA cocaine, hashish country SERBIA has to help them to build up more wealth and its why they need even SERBAIN RED CROSS as they people are perfect in using RED CROSS resources to do the DATA TRANSFERE as once OXFAM was
HOW IS ERNETS -we called the police and the PRESS all the media to visit him again -even the shops .....
BIBA S BULIC and well GINA VAGINA do not want to stop to harass with some people they fin in UNITED ANTION OVER ''KOSOVO '' ACA JUSTA BULIC HERITAGE ...
HOW is ERNETS ? I heard that he is in he hospital ,on emergency as BELVEDRA sending people to kill him ,with KATE MIDDELTON
Why GEORGE OSBORNE intercept with SOLOMON -KYLIE MINOGUE will NOT SING even DJORDJE MATIC said that CIA said and FBI to him.... KYLIE MINOGUE will not FAKE ANY MORE... ASK DJORDJE MATIC ,he must knew first and ARANKA MOLDVAI....
RUZICA DJINDJIVC tried the same ,but she was catted of.. once her GERMANY cocaine trade held her up,and shared now its over
Date 21 Dec 2022
Time12:35PM BELINDA REAL MOTHER ,the ENGLISH is here and her mother...it is what BELA MOLDVAI said once,long time ago...that is here who deforming the girls... on the system '' BELINDA REAL FACE,BELINDA REAL VOICE''.... The double faced evil said'',No, No one day when I die..them ,may be...''' BELA MOLDVAI (1943-1990) said that '' We could not succeed with this perfect abuse on BELINDA to do a PERFECT ''REVERSE BUTTERFLY to IZABELA MOLDVAI or our autistic daughter lungs'' ,if there would not be one of the parents..
We said that BELINDA never saw or met her REAL ENGLISH ANGLICAN mother,ARANKA MOLDVAI was her GUARDIAN....
BELINDA ex husband doing for this the DEPULETEN -when he sitting in her
not want to DELW OUT
Yes BELINDA real mother chatting up TONI BLAIR all day -
WE HAVE A BIG NEW KATE MIDDLETON try to restricted the country even to build up secretly a NEW HOME OFFICE, Hamish Edsell said that he will work in that HOME OFFICE ,this will be he sad KILLED''.LORD DAVID POOLE left the TORI to try to be ROYAL next to PRINCE CHARLES .... and work for a NEW Mi5 ,NHS ,banks will have new look KATE MIDDELTON said ,even PINK
Time5:5PM When DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC gave FALSE STATEMENT about BELINDA as DJORDJE MATIC or GEORGE MATIC (8 Sept 1969) use both signatures to BRENT AUTHORITY even to Sarah Teather Lib Dem ,then BRENT -beofre DAWN BUTELR MP
NO ONE ASKED ''Why DJORDJE MATIC doign this with his lover GINA VAGINA?''
DJORDJE MATIC was protected by MISHA GLENNY as he holding this LAUGING CIA 817 or the MURDER SQUAD
20 Dec 2022
The newspapers SUN ''We comming and see you ERNEST..NOW KATE MIDDELTON speaking how BELVEDRA want to get away with the crime
BELVERDA try to acuse ERNEST what she caused his brother ATTNEE and his late father '' ERNEST raped me she said'' -the police done a forenic on her statement ,even STRASBOURG COURT of HUMAN RIGHTS,swear o GOD ...BELVEDRA was not RAOED on the 8 APRIL but JUN by the Jew man called or know as a ''COALA'''.His father was a driver for Mi5.
Sasa Rebic was the man who was saving DJORDJE MATIC from the prison,even killing his best friend here GORAN from VALJEVO in his bathroom ...
20 Dec 2022
Time5:72PM DAILY MAIL,want to have all this about the LEMON CURD we heard
STANA BLAGOJEVIC stalking BELINDA as DJORDJE MATIC let it chapped again BELINDA back.Blagojevic asked him'' Can STANA AUTISTIC NESTING IN BELINDA,reduce her high voice ''' he said yes and let them come to BRENT COUNCIL FALSE REPORT his wife then as AUTISTIC even to gain benefit as ''DEPRESSION to be with the one''
MISHA GLENNY was FIRST who accepted to place BELINDA FULLY into IZABELA MOLDVAI software APRIL 2005 ,even called UNDER LONDON LAST SUPPER for BELINDA before EASTER''
All for DRGANA GINA VUKOVIC or GINA VAGIN to pass FALSE EXAMS ,then was ''PROBABLY LAW'' the ''VEREBEN ''was ready as CHERIE BLAIR has a similar condition and hie it
We heard a lot from the PADDING-ON LIBRARY - /BIBA went there?
21 Dec 2022
LUCINDA POOLE we believe killed a young man from Mi5 as she said.. 2020 ,,even befire she try to seduce a man DAVID BECKMAN lookalike .. he said to her publicly on the LEMON CURD that she is ugly =name we heard ARAON... he was found death nnnnnnnnnnnn
GEORGE OSBORNE investigating the matter as he knew this young death an
1ALEKSANDAR ROGIC (1969) 2 Wyndham Road, London W13 is just DJORDJE MATIC fried and SERBAIN protector as
BRENT COUNCIL did not said''Sorry DJORDJE MATIC,your wife was mistaken and she was never autistic-your lover DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC is...Fromm 1997
CIA USA is gulty tHEY MOLESTIN belinda TO JIN THEM..NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
20 Dec 2022
Time12:44PM We heard that ERNEST sister husband,who lied that BELINDA is autistic and made her depended behind her back with the solicitor Sriharans Solicitors , 223 The Broadway, Southall UB1 1ND made her secretly depended that even a HOME OFFICE did not take statement from her but he brought there ,LIVERPOOL RUZICA DIMITRIJEVIC know as ''maca'' .. They telling that DJORDJE MATIC taken out £18000 and they find out and sent him to the prison and SASA REBIC helped him..and that two years on he done similar thing at HILINGDON ,join the job centre ...and rented the property a GEORGE MATIC not DJORDJE MATIC -DOB to
20 Dec 2022
Time 05;54AM Ivan Durkovic screaming ..no wait..he lies still to PRINCESS ANNE
Princess Anne IS CLOSE TO THE Serbs?
Princess Anne was Epstein FRIEDN FIRst,NOT her brother PRINCE ANDREW
It was a Serbian church who acting with their mafia ,BIBA S BULC and try to kill PRINCE ANDREW if he do not visit them ,listen them..who even refused anything with the SERBS and avoid BRACA KARIC
20 Dec2022
The British police ''They made a great gap with REBECA CAP between the 7 and the 8 like''PERPETOMOIBE''
They are famous attacking animals
complete transformation Belinda TO Aranka MOLDVAI OR Izabela is illegal KYLIE MINOGUE doing to people, CHERIE BLAIR INA VAGINA doing it with a help of KARADJORDJEVIC and MISHA GLNENY called ''OGOMAT''
lucinda poole would knew ..why she never worked just doing bed and breakfast? With this poor mental heath to bring to boys was hard
PAMELA this polish is stupid..swear to GOD she reedS if we call the rodent a MAMAL
19 Dec 2022
Time 07;57PM ARANKA MOLDVAI said that two people from NOVISAD HAD A FIGTH over the DNEVNIK and the LEMON CURD .
ARANKA MOLDVAI told to DENVNIK that IVAN DURKOVIC is guilty for this crime,''ASK HIM he badly effecting it all even IZABELA MOLDVA R E P UTA CION'
BELVEDRA accusing him now she find RAHELA from the IVAN'S circular who said ''I CALLED the police seven times last months again ERNEST, just once was useful. I call my friends in the SERBAIN EMBASSY she said
BELVEDRA admitted on the PRIMARK lines that she plotting against ERNEST,TELLING THE POLIC IS STUPID...I TEELING BAD THING...ABOUT ERNES the police accept just because I am KATE MIDDELTON SIITER.
19 Dec 2022
Time 11:56 AM
Alice Charlotte von Rothschild or ''MISS ALICE'' who relate to NATHAN family...IVAN DURKOVIC telling to us that his real drug trade would not happened if he would not be that night at that KILBURN pub with DAVID NATHAN who introduce him to the cocaine BRITAIN A and TORI BRENT cocaine secret roots....ALICE born WITH THE poor health and she sitting in ERNEST sister pina and ply her NEGATIVE, or reject it or any good as a REAL BELINDA..for years ALICE doing to us all ,but we caught here ,the police said even BROOKLYN ..... ITS WHY WE LOST IT ALL and she as a JEWS got it all in out country.. its why ERNETS has to DIE
Where is ERNEST? How is ERNETS? KIRA and his aunty NONA doing troubles and they moved to his properties and do not want to see BELINDA ..they put ERNETS still on 50 ties in the CARE HOME and giving him no food....LUCINDA POOLE ,IVAN DURKOVIC ,GINA VAGINA is with them for years....
ERNEST has to go home, and ll what is his back to him.....
19 Dec 2022
Time11:17AM FBI is on the LEMON CURD and assess what? We heard they spoken to MIROSLAV BEARA or criticised him how he handling dyslectic people .Beara laugh on them.
We have that ERNEST father own brother created here a problem. From birth of BELINDA he asked 'We needed that extra Husserl ?'' Why he needed any connections... but funny enough ,LUCINDA POOLE EASY accepted all;
1 Her sexual affair with almost twenty (20) years younger IVAN DURKOVIC( among the Hind's and Arabic she had ... ) Jews called her same as GINA VAGINA or DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC''PERFUME PINA'' -they do not wash they vagina if they find a man,just PA FUM DOWN among the legs and forward.
2.Her son HAMIHS EDSELL sexual affairs with ERNEST wife PAMELA or on POLISH some IVETA or Mileta and GINA VAGIN
3 Her younger son EDWARD EDSELL having even a son born 2000 WHILE PAMELA stil half married to ERNEST divorcing
ERNEST father ,that brother sitting with LUCINDA POOLE having a joy LUCINDA calling him at his home a ''RUDOLF'''
The police is online''We warn you ,BELINDA born non autistic and did not had memory loss,CHERIE BLAIR made it up''.
Who goes ?
Who goes first,who started with BELINDA husband?
It was as we copy from the internet ''' Sarah Louise Teather (born 1 June 1974) is the Director of Jesuit Refugee Service UK and a former British Member of Parliament and Minister. As a Liberal '''
18 Dec 2022
Time 01:56 PM
CIA '' KARADJRDJEVIC '' asked us to plop or DELW DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC in BELINDA and give her NO LIFE ,then DURKOVIC who asked LUCINDA POOLE then to to the same
.... book INDIA UNIT NINE about MARK PERISTON an money laundering in BRENT - BRENT CROSS
.....yes ,they were speaking about HINDI MAFIA in BRENT,nicely settled ...even BRENT COUNCIL is full of them and laying nicely with LUCINDA POOLE ...
''BALTAZAR'' was one of the first names for this sort of networks ,tinselling drugs cocaine,transforming minded..in CROATIA they called this as in SERBIA Professor Balthazar who discovers a way for the people of the city to travel to another dimension in pairs where giving in to harmless urges is permissible.. they called it ''HEMIJSKA RADIONICA'' or Chemical worships'' where the magic happens -MAGICAL
Other lines that we used with CIA was ''' A;FA CENTAUR'' leaD to CRETE where the Minotaur ,the Labyrinth hold the secret of the HUMAN KIND
...Now online we have that KARADJORDJEVIC kept DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC in the space called 'SNEGATEN SPACE'' that they divined to six(6) ..some said even JESUS.... yes BELINDA knew that GINA VAGINA or DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC had sex with DJORDJE MATIC ,Ivan Durkovic ..even with MISHA GLENNY same as BIBA S BULIC...
Yes MISHA GLENNY admitted having sex with BIB S BULIC yesterday ..we recorded and handed to the police ....
Yes same ,in he middle of Holland & Barrett , Westfield London is a large shopping centre in White City i are this confused lines of LEMON CURD and we find ,swear to GOD,TONI BLAIR consign having sex with KYLIE MINOGUE..but h was not satisfied ...for hours TONI BLAIR shamed KYLIE MINGOUE as empty headed person even bad in sex..
Yes Its what i said that even PRINCE CHARLES must be behind her ,not just SOLOMON and GEORGE BUSH( this is as now the time 11:48M ,date 19 Dec 2022)
18Dec 2022
Time 2:18PM
Baakza's home in BRENT CROSS
GLENDA JACKSON running the guns and her son DAN or full name Daniel Pearce Jackson Hodges
bcci bank is the MAIFA BANK and place called Totthennhan
Book as the HYDROGEN SONATA /..in the bank
18 Dec 2022
Time04:26AM We find Dr Stanislava Medenica doing to BELINDA or holding DRAGANA GINA VUKOVIC inserted under F2 -holding 8 people
that is illegal to insert DRGANA GINA VUKOVIC who is shaking to BELINDA's life with ARANKA MOLDVAI who was BELINDA GUARDIAN,not real mother and manipuleta as IZABELA MOLDVAI 20 DEC 1973 born with this condition even childhood emery Los,, moon walk .
18 Dec 2022
They called even the Manchester police TO PROVE that TONI BLAIR killing the police in BRENT with DAWN BUTLER for COCAINE BRENT ,believing that this LEMON CURD LINES are helpful for CIA AND HIM for a COCAINE TRADE ....
18 Dec 2022
Time01:36 PM
In response to priory we haw
KATE MIDDELTON ''I LOCKED UPve on the systemDavid from FBI grandmother TO KILL THEM... and wrongly accused that they spy on me..if I knew ,she said now who sy on me who do not at first i HEARD FROM this HINDI people from BRENT
18 Dec 2022
KYLIE MINOGYE said once that she will come to BRENT AND KILL ALL
18 Dec 2022
Time12: 48PM
PRINCESS ANNE started to people'' My brother PRINCE CHARLS is not the most reliable person on earth .I can not relay on him as I did on my father ,late father PRINCE PHILLIPS .He is not able to read properly, its why he married to MIDDELTON's///they have all sort off even ULCER distractions what cause a trouble my ZARA to visit them .....
.on SLAVIC ja samartram da ima onoliko SPACE0va koliko smo kreirali said DRAGANA GINA VUKOIVC ... I believe THAT THERE ARE AS MANY SPACE AS WE CREATED ....
17 Dec 2022
Time 5:47AM pour police officers new WAS KILLED IN Harlesden BY HAND of DANW BUTELR over the LEMON CURD... Two woman two men .
David Butler MP used the police woman from STONBDRIDGE to carry OUT THIS to kill the - same with GEORGE BUSH tam CIA ,that hold TONI BLAIR ,HAMISH EDSELL, ROTHSHCILD the same team and the same that distributing cocaine with IVAN DURKOVIC ''FOT A COCAINE BALKAN''
KATE MIDDELTON ''I LOCKED UP David from FBI grandmother TO KILL THEM... and wrongly accused that they spy on me ..if I knew ,she said now who spy on me who do not at first i HEARD FROM this HINDI people from BRENT
KATE MIDDELTON attacked ERNEST ND ASKIGN THE POLICE TO LOCK HIM up ,organising KIRA and aunty Nono or Nona''
17 Dec 2022
Time 06:09PM we HEARD THAT PRINCESS ANN E THAP Epstain GIRLS ,,are all muddled with KATE MIDDELTON KIT KAT girls and parents
..IVAN DRUKOVIC is against BELINDA and ENRST bothe
.. LAURA BUSH daughters spying on ENGLAND ,even 24 hours are with DJORDJ EMATIC flying his grey hologram Spiderman
again on the system '' GRANY IS ALIVE ,her daughter run out from the country for this.her son in law is here with FBI to save her
17 Dec 2022
Time 12:01PM
18 Dec 2022
Tine06:16 AM ARANKA MODVAI to DAVID CAMERON on IZABELA MOLDVAI ''' IZABELA MOLDVAI told to all ,as she hates you all about. she continue on SLAVIC '' PRODAJU POKLOPACA''
Ivan Durkovic DAOUNG THE asixs WITH Hamish Edsel
Opata CLOSE FRIEND of Misha Gleny ,yes I i HEATD Cherie Blair .. with him OPATA vagina MULLEN
]18 Dec 2022
Time 06:08PM ROTHSCHILD They want to find ERNEST ' rape Ernest IS ONT HE SYSTEM AGAIN ....
BIBA S BULIC .... online to CLAER that HAMISH
KATE MIDDELTON captivated ERNEST again ,she said as her mummy CAROL asked for BELVEDRA benevolence and molested him .ERNETS had a worse pain ever in his life ...... BELVEDRA poored liquid to ERNEST eye to blind him ,yes before it why he can not see on his right eye pproperly or hardly
CIA ask ''Is ERNEST alive, was this last attempt to kill him KATE MIDDELTON and BELVEDRA first successful?''
28 Dec 2022
Time10;30AM Kate Middelton depicted to take away a last freedom with her mummy CARLOL MIDDELTON FROM us WITH SOME NE LAW
SERBIAN GOVERMENT ''Ivan Durkovic je jako glup covek ,on je mafia man as Arakan aS aca Jusa Bulic ZEMUNSKI CLAMN
HOW is ERNEST ,and KATE MIDDLETON NEW BIBLE?I 9 All our's is hers)s he alive
Date 27 Dec 2022
Time 02:19PM INVESTIGATION ENDED ''Cherie Blair is guilty ''
27 Dec 2022
MISHA GLENNY'' I am guilty to
Ana Volš Beograđanka koja je nestala nakon dočeka Nove godine kao da je slutila opasnost , tome u prilog ide citat koji je objavila na društvenim mrežama u kom se navodi da je junjakinja knjige bila osuđena na smrt
Ilon Mask, najbogatiji čovek sveta i jedan od ključnih ljudi Trampove Bele kuće, intenzivno se bavi politikom u Nemačkoj, što se delu tamošnje javnosti ne sviđa.
Opozicionari i njihove pristalice po društvenim mrežama dele lažne slike sa protesta na Slaviji, čak dele i fotografije na kojima uopšte nije taj Trg niti ta fontana.
Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić prisustvovao je otvaranju deonice Kruševac - Trstenik - Vrnjačka Banja na auto-putu E-761. On je u autobusu odgovarao na pitanja novinara i govorio o toj saobraćajnici, ali i o drugim planiranim infrastrukturnim projektima u Srbiji.
Tenzije koje već duže vreme postoje u Bosni i Hercegovini mogle bi u narednom periodu da dovedu do eskalacije neviđenih razmera i do rata, a takav opasan scenario stavio bi Srbiju i njeno rukovodstvo u izuzetno tešku poziciju.
Bivši šef obezbeđenja tajkuna Dragana Đilasa, Vladimir Savić uključio se u program Informer televizije i tom prilikom otkrio gnusne detalje o životu i političkom načinu rada ovog opozicionara, batinaša i nasilnika.
Opozicija je večeras održala protest na Slaviji koji je okončan oko 17 časova, a nakon toga se šačica ljudi uputila ka Predsedništvu. Njih predvodi ni manje, ni više, nego ozloglašeni Srđan Nogo.
Emisija "Rat uživo" na Informer televiziji bavila se krucijalnim geopolitičkim temama, fokusirajući se na rusko-ukrajinski sukob, krucijalne promene na globalnom nivou nakon inauguracije Donalda Trampa, ali i nove sukobe sa kojima se može suočiti svet u budućnosti.
Jedan Kragujevčanin, svojom emotivnom objavom na društvenim mrežama rasplakao je veliki broj ljudi širom Srbije, onda kada je javno, emotivnom porukom ispratio svoju suprugu na večni počinak.
Manje od deset dana nas deli od "najluđe noći" i proslave za pamćenje. Dok se pojedini odlučuju za nešto mirniju varijantu i ostaju kod kuće, druiu više vole da doček Nove godine proslave na putovanju, a ove godine cene noćenja na Zlatiboru šokirala je mnoge!
Ukoliko ste ove godine planirali da Novu godinu dočekate negde van granica Srbije, dobro pazite, jer džeparoši haraju sa svih strana, u koji god grad da odete!
Uroš Nikolić, Luka Kardum i Tomislav Hordov delegirani su za sudije drugog ovosezonskog, a prvog abaligaškog večitog derbija između Crvene zvezde i Partizana.
Štoper Crvene zvezde Vanja Drkušić (25) hramljući je napustio "Marakanu" nakon utakmice sa Čukaričkim (5:2), što je ozbiljno zabrinulo sve u taboru srpskog prvaka!
Izuzetna sezona za nas! Osigrali smo odličnu utakmicu, hvala navijačima. Sada idemo malo da se odmorimo i zaboravimo na fudbal, poručuje trener Crvene zvezde, Vladan Milojević (54)!
Mađarski ministar spoljnih poslova i spoljnih ekonomskih odnosa Peter Sijarto izjavio je danas da su nastavljene isporuke ruske nafte Mađarskoj preko naftovoda Družba, koje su bile obustavljene poslednjih dana iz tehničkih razloga.
Vojnici inženjerskog bataljona motorizovane divizije grupe trupa Zapad prošli su kroz protivpešadijska minska polja Oružanih snaga Ukrajine na oslobođenim teritorijama LNR.
Osvanule su optužbe da je Rusija stajala iza kampanje na društvenim mrežama u Rumuniji, koja je pomogla nezavisnom predsedničkom kandidatu Kalinu Đorđeskuu da pobedi u prvom krugu izbora i koja je dovela do toga da ustavni sud te zemlje poništi celu izbornu proceduru, su netačne, utvrdila je istraga.
Izraelski premijer Benjamin Netanjahu izjavio je danas da će Izrael nastaviti da deluje protiv jemenske pobunjeničke grupe Huti, koje je optužio da ugrožava svetsko brodarstvo i međunarodni poredak.
Jedna žena iznenadila je javnost kada je otkrila da je dojila svog supruga, ali iza ovog neuobičajenog čina krije se sasvim opravdan razlog koji bi mnogi mogli da razumeju.
Nova godina je pred vratima, ali prehlada ili grip mogu lako pokvariti prazničnu čaroliju. Otkrijte koje namirnice vam mogu pomoći da ojačate imunitet i ostanete zdravi u danima slavlja.
Tejlor Kuk je u noći odlučila da proveri svoju bebu, ali je zatekla svog psa na pultu za presvlačenje, što je postalo viralno na TikToku i izazvalo lavinu reakcija.
Zorica Brunclik i Miroljub Aranđelović Kemiš decenijama su u skladnom braku i imaju troje zajedničke dece, dok pevačica ima i četvrto iz vanbračne zajednice.
Pre nego što je postala voditeljka Ivana Šopić radila je i kao krupije u kazinu, a prisećajući se tih dana otkrila je šokantne detalje o poznatima i njihovim navikama.
Veljko i Bogdana Ražnatović odveli su sinove na planinu, a bokser je na društvenim mrežama pokazao kako njihovi naslednici uživaju u snegu i čarima zimskih sportova.
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